making recycling fun

Effective Tips For Recycling Scrap Metal

by Daryl Simmmons

As society moves toward more sustainable practices, recycling scrap metal has become increasingly important. This disposal option can drastically lower your business's impact on the environment. However, making the most out of your recycling efforts requires following proper guidelines. 

Keep The Scrap Metal Separate From Other Waste

Segregating different types of waste is vital in recycling because it makes the process more efficient and organized. Keeping scrap metal separate from other materials significantly simplifies the recycling process and reduces the likelihood of contamination. This separation ensures that each type of waste gets recycled properly. Additionally, it ensures that any hazardous materials or substances do not mix with the metals, which could cause potential harm to the environment or those handling the waste.

Another reason for keeping scrap metal segregated from other waste is that it can often be sold at a higher price. Many recycling facilities and scrap yards offer competitive rates for clean and sorted metal. By separating your metal from other materials, you maximize its value and contribute to a healthier planet.

Ensure Metal Equipment Is Drained Of Hazardous Fluids Before Recycling

Before recycling metal equipment, removing any hazardous fluids, such as oils or coolants, is essential. These substances can contaminate the recycling process or leach into the ground. Not surprisingly, many scrap metal recycling services will refuse to collect items that have not been drained of these fluids. Due to these issues, you should make a checklist for scrap item preparation that includes thoroughly draining any potentially hazardous fluids or other substances from the item.

Protect The Metal From The Weather And Theft Until It Can Be Collected

While awaiting collection for recycling, protecting your scrap metal from adverse weather conditions and theft is crucial. Exposure to rain or snow can lead to rusting, which may lower the quality and value of the metal. Store your scrap metals in a weatherproof container or covered area where moisture cannot seep in.

Moreover, scrap metal can be a target for thieves due to its resale value. Consider implementing security measures such as locked fences or surveillance cameras around your storage area to avoid theft. Protecting your scrap metal will ensure it will be suitable for recycling once collected.

Use Suitable Gloves And Other Safety Gear When Handling The Scrap Metal

Handling scrap metal often involves sharp edges, rusty surfaces, and heavy materials. This can lead to a high risk of injury without the appropriate safety gear. Wearing heavy-duty gloves can help protect your hands from cuts and abrasions, while steel-toed boots offer defense against potential foot injuries from dropped materials.

Contact a local scrap metal recycling service, such as G & M Metal, Inc, to learn more.
